Luisetti Seeds extends Canterbury rugby sponsorship
Record crowds at recent sporting fixtures underlines the importance of sport in bringing people together and providing a forum for recreation and socialising, especially in uncertain times.
This is particularly true in rural communities which traditionally come together on Saturdays to support their local teams as well as participate.
As part of the rural community, Luisetti Seeds has been a...

Glenmark victors in epic Luisetti Seeds Alf Hunnibell Memorial Cup battle
It was another epic battle for the Luisetti Seeds Alf Hunnibell Memorial Cup with Kaiapoi and Glenmark
once again going head-to-head in the North Canterbury Sub Union final.
Luisetti Seeds’ Operation Manager Mark Frampton, says the game was a rematch of last year’s final, with Kaiapoi showing dominance up to half-time, but Glenmark just kept coming back and took the lead with ten minutes to...

Minister of Agriculture visits Luisetti Seeds
The Minister of Agriculture Hon Damien O’Connor accompanied by Jo Luxton Rangitata MP, Ashburton Mayor, Neil Brown, Ashburton District Council Chief Executive, Hamish Riach and Ashburton District Councillors, Stuart Wilson, Liz McMillan, Lynette Lovett and Diane Rawlinson, visited Luisetti Seeds Ashburton branch recently.
Over a working morning tea, Vincent Luisetti and Mark Frampton gave the...

New Seed Cleaning Facilities for Luisetti Seeds Ashburton
Luisetti Seeds is importing a cuttingedge, high capacity seed cleaning, treating and packing production line from Germany and will have it operational for next harvest.
The installation of this plant is a significant investment for Luisetti Seeds and indeed the arable industry in Canterbury. It will enable Luisetti Seeds to offer more efficient seed cleaning with lower dressing losses for its...

Buttress Barley’s Paddock Performance Reflects Outstanding Trial Results
With a new name but a proven track record, Buttress spring sown barley’s on-farm performance is reflecting the cultivar’s outstanding results in four years of Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) trials.
This is the second year Springston grower Chris Morrish has grown Buttress (formerly CRBA148) feed barley and once again he found it an easy crop to grow, with just a standard fungicide...

High Yielding Max Forage Peas Prove Ideal in Combination Crops
Forage peas are becoming increasingly popular as a high quality, high protein supplementary feed for livestock either as a pure crop or in combination with cereal based forages.
Luisetti Seeds has recently launched its new Max Forage Pea cultivar, that offers growers higher yields and better feed quality than its predecessors. As a much later flowering cultivar, the Max Pea’s pod-fill...

Tony Hyde’s White Pigeons Prove Popular at Special Events
For thousands of years, white doves have been the symbol of new beginnings, peace, fidelity, love, luck and prosperity.
Pertinently, 30 were released at this year’s ANZAC service held during lockdown at the Rangiora Cenotaph and these birds belonged to Luisetti Seeds’ staff member Tony Hyde. Tony’s white pigeons are becoming increasingly popular for releasing at weddings, funerals and memorial...

Dan Carter Pulls Crowds at Ellesmere
It’s not often that over 2000 people gather at the Ellesmere Rugby grounds on a cold, wintery Saturday afternoon to watch the local Southbridge team play West Melton. But not many players have the pulling power of former All Black and World Cup hero Dan Carter.
Dan, who recently signed with the Auckland Blues, returned to his home ground on Saturday, 4 July to catch up with friends and family...

Turf Ryegrass wins Luisetti Seeds Paddock of the Year
An award-winning team with the Luisetti Seeds Paddock of the Year Trophy. From left Lachie Adams, Graeme Adams, Shane King (Luisetti Seeds Agronomist) and Virginia Adams.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team of skilled individuals to grow an award-winning crop of turf ryegrass.
This was the graciousness with which Graeme and Virginia Adams received the...

Luisetti Seeds Combined Country Division 1 rugby competition deferred
Dan Carter kicking through the Luisetti Seeds goal posts at Southbridge.
The much anticipated Luisetti Seeds Combined Country Division 1 competition has been deferred in 2020 due to the shortened rugby season. With a truncated season, the country combined committee of Ellesmere, Mid Canterbury and North Canterbury representatives has chosen to run their own localised competitions with...