Superfine - Fescue / Browntop
70% Fescue and 30% Browntop
Usually used for smaller areas.
Fine leafed grasses make a nice soft lawn.
Susceptible to fungus disease (e.g. brownpatch) in autumn.
Not hard wearing.
Requires more attention to have it looking its best.
Ideal for a ‘show’ lawn.
Sow @ 30gms/m2.
45% Fescue, 45% Fine Leaf Perennial and 10% Browntop
Ideal for a good general-purpose lawn. The F.L.P. content gives more durability (Kids & Dogs, lawn cricket/rugby etc).
Sow @ 28-30 gms/m2.
Turf - Fine Leaf Perennial
Usually used for more extensive lawns to be mown with a ride-on mower.
Less expensive to establish, hard wearing, but faster growing than Classic and Superfine – Fescue / Browntop
Faster establishing and durable.
Sow @ 28-30 gms/m2.
Chewings Fescue
Usually used for smaller areas.
Fine leafed grass makes a nice soft lawn.
Good for shaded/low light areas.
Not hard wearing.
Requires more attention to have it looking its best,
Ideal for a ‘show’ lawn.
Sow @ 30gms/m2.
Park Blend
80% Fine Leaf Perennial and 20% Browntop
Used by the Council for Parks and recreational areas.
Can also make a good lawn.
Sow @ 22-25 gms/m2.
Berm Mix
70% Fine Leaf Perennial and 30% Fescue
Used by the Council for berms between footpath and road.
Can also make a good lawn
Sow @ 22-25 gms/m2.