Setting up Lucerne Stands for Spring
With the correct management, lucerne can be a valuable high-quality spring and summer forage crop. To maximise crop yields and longevity, lucerne needs to be rested in autumn to allow root reserves to be replenished and in winter, weeds need to be controlled.
Lincoln University’s Professor Derrick Moot says farmers should set up their lucerne stands in June and July if they want to graze...

Delivering the Goods
The addition of a new van to the Luisetti Seeds’ fleet of vehicles will mean increased capability for the delivery of agrichemicals to our clients.
These vans have been modified slightly for the transport of chemicals and we are lucky to have two very capable drivers operating them.
Cameron Lepper joined the Rangiora-based Luisetti Seeds’ team at the end of November and while he jokes that he...

Corteva Agriscience Announcement
Photo Control of Heavy Amaranthus and Willow weed. Left: Untreated. Right: Early Milestone application
Corteva Agriscience, has announced the successful registration and launch of the new selective post-emergence broadleaf herbicide Milestone™ for the current forage brassica season.
Extensively evaluated for weed control efficacy and crop safety in local product development trials, Milestone...

Making the most of natural predators in your brassica crop
The terms “IPM” and “IPM Friendly” have been used for some time in the horticulture market, and more recently in the fodder brassica market. As Nick George, Area Business Manager for FMC points out, there is an awareness of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) but it is often misunderstood, and this is particularly the case for fodder brassicas. The introduction of the selective insecticide...
New Agricultural Chemical Manager brings a wealth of experience to the role
Brendan Morahan has joined Luisetti Seed’s Agricultural Chemical team bringing many years’ experience with him
Brendan Morahan joined Luisetti Seeds last month, bringing with him 25 years of experience working in the rural sector, with particular expertise in agri-chemicals. He started his career working for Greenfields in Waimate and over the years has gradually moved north, holding roles...