Setting up Lucerne Stands for Spring
With the correct management, lucerne can be a valuable high-quality spring and summer forage crop. To maximise crop yields and longevity, lucerne needs to be rested in autumn to allow root reserves to be replenished and in winter, weeds need to be controlled.
Lincoln University’s Professor Derrick Moot says farmers should set up their lucerne stands in June and July if they want to graze...
Combat resistant Ramularia Leaf Spot
Ramularia collo cygni leaf spotting on barley plants.
Ramularia collo-cygni is also called Ramularia Leaf Spot or Sprinkling necrosis of barley, even though it can attack a variety of host plants in addition to barley. In New Zealand we usually see it in barley and wheat, though the fungus can also host on oats, rye, and grasses.
Most winter and spring barley varieties are vulnerable to...