Corteva Agriscience Announcement
Photo Control of Heavy Amaranthus and Willow weed. Left: Untreated. Right: Early Milestone application
Corteva Agriscience, has announced the successful registration and launch of the new selective post-emergence broadleaf herbicide Milestone™ for the current forage brassica season.
Extensively evaluated for weed control efficacy and crop safety in local product development trials, Milestone...
IPM Pest Control in Fodder Brassicas
Understanding IPM and knowing your bugs, along with the selective insecticide Exirel®, can provide a lower cost, more sustainable Fodder brassica crop.
Luisetti Seeds agronomist Kerry Thomas uses a hand lens to monitor the crops and identify eggs of both pest and beneficial species, along with early juvenile stages, to help plan treatment application timing.
“IPM” stands for Integrated Pest...
Promoting Beneficial Insects in Brassica Crop
A honey bee approaches a Phacelia flower. Image CC BY-SA 3.0 Rasbak Wikimedia Commons
Pest management has changed over the last few years. Not so long ago, the focus was on choosing the most potent insecticide for the pest you wanted rid of… even if it killed everything else as well. This was a simple approach based on immediate results. However, it’s become increasingly apparent that the...