Long plant back periods can force you to change your cropping schedule. When plant back periods are not adhered to (or forgotten!) the establishment of clover and other legumes can be compromised.
Korvetto is a new post emergent forage brassica herbicide from Corteva Agriscience (Agriculture Division of DowDupont) and is distinguished by its short plant back period. There is no plant back period for most brassica crops with Korvetto, and none for cereals, ryegrass, or maize. Plant back is just three months for clover and six months for fodder beet. Korvetto makes your crop rotation shorter and more flexible – and more fruitful as a result!
With Korvetto you also can gain control of Fathen, Nightshades and Californian Thistles. Korvetto offers particularly good control of Shepherd’s Purse and Fumitory (often difficult to kill with other brassica herbicides). Note that for the best control of Shepherd’s purse apply up to the four leaf rosette stage.
Korvetto can be safely applied to brassicas from the cotyledon to eight leaf stage of the brassica (which is important as brassicas, in particular, are prone to uneven emergence).
Talk to your Luisetti Seeds Agronomist about using Korvetto on your crop.