Setting up Lucerne Stands for Spring
With the correct management, lucerne can be a valuable high-quality spring and summer forage crop. To maximise crop yields and longevity, lucerne needs to be rested in autumn to allow root reserves to be replenished and in winter, weeds need to be controlled.
Lincoln University’s Professor Derrick Moot says farmers should set up their lucerne stands in June and July if they want to graze...

Legumes power Zino family’s farm operation
Subterranean clover helps drive exceptional pre-weaning lamb growth rates: Mark Zino with Luisetti Seeds North Canterbury agent Andrew Johnston in a lucerne paddock.
For the Zino family, subterranean clover is their competitive advantage.
It is this plant, that thrives on their farm’s silt loamy soils, that is the engine room of their business, driving lactation and lamb growth rates in that...

Lucerne cultivars for specific situations
Often regarded as the King of Forages, lucerne is valued for its ability to generate high quality drymatter, particularly in dryland environments.
Spring is the traditional sowing season for lucerne and Andrew Johnston from Luisetti Seeds recommends growers consider soil type and fertility, ground preparation, farm management and climate before planting.
All of these factors, he says, will...
Winter lucerne management optimizes spring production
Addressing weed and nutrient issues in lucerne stands now will ensure a clean, healthy, high-quality forage crop in spring.
Andrew Johnston from Luisetti Seeds says stands should be grazed hard in May (he suggests using high body condition score ewes or dry hoggets), removing all green plant material and as much dead organic matter at the base of the crop as possible – as this can harbour...
Setting legumes up for spring
Attention to the management of forage legumes now will pay dividends in spring when high-quality feed is required to realise the potential of next season’s lamb crop.
Professor Derrick Moot from Lincoln University says autumn rains may have germinated subterranean (sub) clover seedlings in dryland pastures along the east coast, but management of these seedlings will depend on how...
Chris Tyson – Seed Manager
Seed Manager Chris Tyson
We’d like to welcome Chris Tyson to his new position as our new Seed Manager at Luisetti Seeds.
Chris will be stationed at the front desk and has taken over from the very long-serving Ken Townley who is now enjoying his third month of retirement.
Chris worked in the agricultural sector for 14 years before moving into the seed industry. His last on-farm position was...
Increase your productivity for young stock
We were delighted to see our Lucerne varieties featured in NZ Farm Life and Country Wide this year. We were especially delighted to see that Luisetti Seeds Agronomist Andrew Johnson has increased the productivity of one North Canterbury farm significantly through his recommendations – the farm reported their lambs had gained near double the weight on Luisetti forage crops, compared to those on...
Four Tips for a Great Lucerne Stand
Everett Thomas is an agronomist based in New York State. He has worked with Cornell University Cooperative Extension and the William Miner Agricultural Research Institute. He edits the Miner Institute’s Farm Report newsletter.
Reprinted with the kind permission of Agrimedia, New Zealand.
Article written by Everett Thomas (abridged)